June 11, 2018
Where can I even begin with describing these beautiful people?! When Steve wrote his facebook post about asking Erin to be his wife, I was so moved it brought me to tears. I contacted Erin right away, offering to document their engagement, and their new big family! Seeing 2 people experience insurmountable grief and come out on the other end, is absolutely amazing, to say the least. They both love the Lord so much, and Erin is always helping others who are going through hard times. She is a light. This entire family is a light. They are a light in a dark world, and that light is burning bright because Jesus is at the center. All of their kids are so amazing, and this really was such a fun session! We were eaten alive by mosquitos, but you can’t even tell! Haha We had a great time, and I’m blogging quite a few pictures here, but I can’t help it! I love them all! Enjoy <3