February 5, 2017
This beautiful family! So I met Alyssa and Eric when we first started going to Calvary Bible Church. I was about 6 months pregnant with Gavin, and Derek and I were about to get married. Eric actually married Derek and I. From there, Alyssa introduced me to Shaklee, which totally changed my life. I have suffered with carpal tunnel for quite awhile. It got especially bad after having my kids. After having Dylan, it was so bad that I could not hold my newborn baby. I could barely hold him to nurse. I had gotten cortisone shots in my wrists, and the relief only lasted a short time. I was literally sitting in doctors offices balling my eyes out like a crazy person, screaming at them that I could not hold my baby! I was at a lost. They told me my only option was surgery. I was super hesitant because I knew after surgery I would REALLY be out a hand for awhile. And the problem was in both of my hands. I scheduled the surgery and asked for prayer in one of my mom groups. Alyssa then messaged me to let me know that she had read a couple articles about Shaklee’s B Complex helping with carpal tunnel. I remember thinking “HA – well they must not have the degree of carpal tunnel that I have”, but I bought the pills anyway. I was desperate for any type of relief. DUDE!!! After 4 days, the pain and numbing had subsided by about 40%. By 2 weeks it was 90% GONE. It was like a miracle – I couldn’t believe it! I mean guys – my surgery was scheduled! I now take B Complex on a daily basis, as well as some other vitamins and supplements, and oh it’s changed my life! Sorry, this blog post has gotten away from me, but I can’t talk about this sweet family without telling my story. Because if you are like me and suffer with carpal tunnel – you KNOW what I’m talking about! I am so thankful for Alyssa to message me that day – SO thankful! So back to this beautiful session…. we shot it at The Bulbolz Nature Preserve in Appleton. It was really cold, and the kids only lasted a very short time, but it turned out perfect! Winter sessions can be tough depending on temperature, but they are so pretty! They create a beautiful coziness that I just love! (we made sure to have a mini dance party to warm up) 😉